Job seekers can use artificial intelligence to their advantage



DEAR READERS: There’s a lot of concern out there about what AI is going to do on the employment front, but I’ve heard that job seekers really can use AI to their advantage. Is that true? And how can people looking for a job get help from AI?

Marc Cenedella, founder of Leet Resumes, is a good person to ask, considering he has been working in the AI and machine learning space for three years. “I am confident in saying job applicants can view AI as a friend rather than a foe,” says Cenedella, who recommends that job seekers use “specialized AI platforms to ensure outputs are specifically tailored to their unique needs.”

“AI can be a valuable resource in several ways,” says Amelia Thomas, head of marketing for FlexiPCB.

The areas in which AI can enhance results during a job search include:



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