I applied for 2,000 roles in 4 years. Jobseekers deserve better treatment


When you’re searching for a job, fuelled by hope and desperation, there’s nothing that beats the excitement when you spot the perfect vacancy. 

dream role, one you know you could really throw your heart and soul into.

In the past, I’ve spent hours tinkering with application forms, changing lines on my CV and making my cover letter read like poetry.

Then… nothing. Cue the crushing, slow realisation that, after weeks of silence, it was all for nothing.

All those hours of preparation, totally wasted.

The way we currently apply for jobs in the UK is woefully disjointed, frustrating and detrimental to our mental health. The whole system needs overhauling.  

If, like me, you had a careers advice session at school, you may have been led to believe that employers were lining up to accept CVs and cover letters, with us hopefuls in control, not only of our future jobs, but of our destinies.



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